Thursday, June 30, 2005

Boredom Kills!!! Posted by Picasa

The Army Hooah Bar!!! Spc. Travis says "It's Good Stuff Maynerd!" coming to a store near you! (if your really unlucky!) Posted by Picasa

Ah scenic Diyarah! We spent a week at the patrol base/oupost here. This place makes FOB Kalsu look like home and South Central L.A. like a paradise utopia! Posted by Picasa

Gotta stay strong!!! Make shift gym at Diyarah, MRE Boxes for a bench. Posted by Picasa

confiscated (but not by us) weapons in Diyarah. Posted by Picasa

Rusty "Paul Bunion" Ross stands tall before a fire mission with a HE round ready to go. Posted by Picasa

I hate night missions! Me with a 120mm Illumination round. Mortars put our own stars in the sky! Posted by Picasa

Doing my job, gunning on the 120mm mortar at Diyarah. Posted by Picasa

In Diyarah with a confiscated AK-47 Posted by Picasa

The Hitmen. Dustin Travis and Eric Baurle (pronounced Burly like him =) ) Posted by Picasa

Eat your heart out Sylvester Stallone!!!  Posted by Picasa

Sheep, and Camels and goats oh my!!! The herd on it's way passed the Mortar Tower. 2000 years after they did it in the Bible, they're still doin it. They even wear the same clothes. Posted by Picasa

....And the Helicopter You rode in on!!! CH-53 Sea Satllion, my ride into Iraq. Posted by Picasa

Emminem's Cousin, Rusty "The G" Ross represents from the Mortar Tower. Posted by Picasa

Chillin in the Mortar Tower downstairs. Henderson, Ross, Sgt. Watts, and Ssg. MacDonald. The hard life. Posted by Picasa

"The Veterans!" Hard Core Soldiers from the 1st section of the 2/11 Mortars in Iskandariyah. from Left Sgt. Watts, Thomas, Webb, Mason, Coronel, and Tibbitts (in front of Hummvee) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Me and Spc. Evans of the medics lounging at BIAP (Baghdad International Airport, gotta love the acronyms) armor! Baghdad is so chill, lucky buggers! Posted by Hello

Beat the Heat! Thompson, Collado, and one of the interpreters "Lewis" try to stay cool Posted by Hello

Hey Beck, no recruiting Iraqi Children!!! only the US Army does that, oh wait your not a....sorry Posted by Hello

What I see at night Posted by Hello

Our neighbors at FOB Kalsu. Posted by Hello

Sunsets on another hot day in The Sandbox Posted by Hello

I guess not everyone hates Army food, MREs (Meal Ready to Eat) Posted by Hello

Sargeant Majors PSD (Personal Security Detail) From Left: Becker, Me, Henderson, Ssg Miller, Sagun, Collado, Thompson (kneeling) At the Freedom Rest resort at camp victory Baghdad, Iraq. Posted by Hello

Spc. Ben Tibbitts taking a break from the hard days sleep... I mean work. Posted by Hello