Thursday, June 30, 2005
Previous Posts
- The Army Hooah Bar!!! Spc. Travis says "It's Good ...
- Ah scenic Diyarah! We spent a week at the patrol b...
- Gotta stay strong!!! Make shift gym at Diyarah, MR...
- confiscated (but not by us) weapons in Diyarah.
- Rusty "Paul Bunion" Ross stands tall before a fire...
- I hate night missions! Me with a 120mm Illuminatio...
- Doing my job, gunning on the 120mm mortar at Diyar...
- In Diyarah with a confiscated AK-47
- The Hitmen. Dustin Travis and Eric Baurle (pronoun...
- Eat your heart out Sylvester Stallone!!!
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