Monday, December 27, 2004

The women in my life =) Posted by Hello

Scholar and a .... gangsta (he also took sign language courses.) Posted by Hello

Franklin Webb Jr. pokes his head in our vehicle 593. Nov. 2004 Posted by Hello

Our vehicle operator (A.K.A. Driver) Pfc Jason Sagun. He took sign as a second language Posted by Hello

"Lay quietly and carry a BIG cannon" (well that's what they should have said.) My place of sleep ..... I mean duty in the mortar track. The cannon now in the down/travel position. Nov. 2004 Posted by Hello

My new squad leader Spc. Joshua Collado (he thinks I'm numba one!!!) Posted by Hello

Trying to stay warm and not bored at night when the lights don't work....again Posted by Hello

"Man this place is gonna suck" The boys of the Mortar platoon survey their new digs. Posted by Hello

Waiting (all day) to travel the long one mile to the training area for "Iraq Train Up......Month" Posted by Hello

Me all armored down and sniveled up (mil speak for "got stay warm gear on.....all of it.) without my musket (A.K.A. M16 assault musket... I mean rifle) I miss my M4!!! Posted by Hello

My old squad leader Cpl (now Sgt) Carlo Stodomingo and my assisstant Igor.... I mean Spc Becker. 2004 Posted by Hello

Spc Tucker Mortar Gunner. This is what I do: I look though the little sight thing next to my head, line it up on the 2 candy cane striped poles (you barely see just to the left of my head waaaaaay in the distance.) and tell my assisstant to fire a 120mm mortar round. Not as easy as it sounds...... no really..... it's not Posted by Hello

2/11 ACR (2nd Squadron 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment... A.K.A. my unit) Squadron Formal/dance/party....thing from L to R - Spc Ben Tibbits, Pfc Nathan Palmer, Sgt Bryan, (chaplains asst. mortar wanna-be =) ) Pvt Bradley Hughes, and yours truly (that'd be me) Posted by Hello

"Clerks on Parade." My former bosses in the clerk days. From L to R - Sgt Bourne, SSG (now SFC) Paraniaque, Sgt Bramlett (Iraq veteran with the 82nd Airborne trapped in the office now. Sucker!!!!!) Posted by Hello

Found a (big) rock the hard way one night. Right up through the old floor boards Posted by Hello

"My Love Machine!" The Humvee (yes there is a humvee hidden under all the extra metal) I drove the commander around in during my clerk/chauffer/erand boy days complete with .50 cal machine gun, Dragon Anti tank weapon and my trusty M4 rifle (I miss it =( ....the rifle that is.) Posted by Hello

Anti..... everything Humvee. Posted by Hello

Sargeant (SGT) Rogelio (Roger) Ruiz. My first squad leader. Taught me everything I know about how to avoid work....and like it! Posted by Hello

On the 8th day God made playing cards for the soldiers Posted by Hello

PFC James Meagher catches up on sleep in the spacious M1064 Mortar Carrier Posted by Hello

"I love the big gun but it's FREEZING up here! Who says the desert ain't cold!" SPC Tucker (me) on guard with the .50 cal machine gun.  Posted by Hello

Guard duty on a M1064 Mortar Carrier in the scenic high desert. "The hills are alive with the sound of....... boredom"  Posted by Hello

Lawrence of Arabia's Grandson Tucker of .....the Mojave? 2002 Posted by Hello

An O.S.V. (Opfor Strike Vehicle) An M113 with a lot of excess metal thrown on to make it look like a Russian/Iraqi B.M.P. (Stands for something in Russian) Posted by Hello

Those are supposed to look like Russian vehicles to fool all the bright soldier boys heehee Posted by Hello